General conditions
All business carried out by us shall be governed as the case may be either by:
- International Transportation: The CMR-conditions with the additional AVC 2002.
- Transport within the Netherlands: De algemene Vervoerscondities 2002, filed at the district courts at Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
- The Transport en Logistiek Nederland algemene betalingsvoorwaarden (general payment terms), filed at the district court of ‘s-Gravenhage on 2 juli 2002, filenumber 69.
- De Nederlandse Expeditievoorwaarden, filed by the FENEX on 1 july 2004 at the district courts of Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda en Rotterdam, with the exception of Article 23.
- Physical distribution: Physical distribution Voorwaarden, filed at the the district courts at Amsterdam and Rotterdam on 1 september 2000
- Always the most recent filed version of the aforementioned conditions applies.
- Parking: Parking at KLEIJN transport B.V. is done at the risk and account of the costumer.
If not otherwise provided in the preceding conditions, all disputes will be settled by the appropriate Court in the district of Rotterdam. Upon your request these conditions will be sent to you free of charge.